Public Speaking Skills

Communication and Language Development

The world opens up to us when we speak clearly and with confidence. At Petals Kids, we teach our children public speaking in preschool. Public speaking skills are critical for kids as they help build essential communication skills. It enhances the presentation skills and removes the stage fear in children from a young age.

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Field Trips

Field trips are not only lots of fun but they can also be very valuable learning experiences for young children. They can help build background knowledge and vocabulary that are important for success in school and life. They provide exposure to the environment knowledge.

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Theme Days

Jungle Animals, Medicinal Plants, etc.

Theme Days are one of the best ways to teach children. It helps kids learn quickly and develop better knowledge of things. It stimulates young minds, promotes early child development in an engaging manner

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Teaching Methodology

Montessori, Play Way & Activity Based Learning

Preschool Education is an early childhood program which allows children to play while learning. Children are encouraged to develop creative thinking. Emphasis is given to team work and group play. Petals Kids Preschool learning focuses on structured curriculum which includes academics, play routines & co-curricular activities.

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Motor Skill Activities

Motor Skills Activities are critical for children as they understand how to move and complete tasks independently. They are able to explore the world around them which promotes cognitive speech and sensory development, and gives them confidence and independence which promotes skills such as executive function. Strong motor skills will support their ability to sustain and attend to academic learning throughout their school journey.

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Indian Traditions and Culture

Celebrating Indian Festivals in traditional manners so that kids learn about our rich Indian culture and traditions from the young age. While all festivals are not celebrated at home, all festivals are celebrated at Petals Kids. This promotes understanding and accepting not just one’s own culture but also of others from a very young age.

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Phonological Awareness

Songs, Rhymes & Action Songs

Songs are a special type of speech. It prepares child’s ear, voice and brain for language. Listening to and singing along with rhymes and songs uses and develops both sides of the brain.

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Monthly Events

Knowledge & Understanding of the world around us.

Monthly Events is a way to deliver academic content to our young Petalites in the classroom in a more fun and inviting way. It leads the children to think about the world around them.

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Parental Sessions

It’s not easy to be a parent. Parental Sessions are a deliberate effort to help young parents be more effective in caring for their children. It helps you set your child up for success and decrease the stress levels of the parents.

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Art and Craft

Visual Art / Creative Activities

Bilateral Coordination – Crafts such as coloring, drawing, cutting, all require child to use both of their hands together. This skill is important in other areas of their lives as they continue to grow, such as writing, tying shoes, typing and so much more!

Fine Motor Coordination– In order to draw shapes, cut patterns, and hand writing, child is required to use their fine motor coordination. These skills similarly translate to other areas of their lives, such as dressing ,eating, and in the academic setting.

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Dance Sessions

Dance education enhances physical, emotional and social skills. Dance is fun and kids love it.

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Science Experiments

Learning by Discovering. Children discover new concepts
through science experiences.

Preschool science activities introduce kids to basic elements of scientific reasoning (seeking evidence; testing predictions)
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Role Play, Puppet Play, Story Sessions and Expressionism

Role Play, Puppet Play, Story Sessions & Drama –helps kids engage with the real world. It develops child’s imagination and puts them in real-life situations. These activities helps develop vocabulary & increases wealth of Knowledge in children.

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Aum Chanting, Shloka and Yogacise

Aum Chanting & Shloka helps children calm down and Yogacise enhances the physical flexibility, develops focus & concentration in kids.

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Fireless Cooking or Tidbit Cooking

Cooking is a very important life skill that should be inculcated in kids from an early age as it helps them become independent, responsible and guides them towards healthy eating practices.

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Learning Foreign Language

In today’s world kids are Globe trotters. They are swiftly moving to different countries at a very young age with their parents. And in such cases, if they know a foreign language then it is an added advantage for kids as they will be able to easily gel into the new environment.

Teacher Child Relationship

Teachers at Petals Kids say that it’s important to establish a good relationship with their little student’s as it’s an important factor in managing their behavior in the classroom.

Appreciation of Kids

child’s greatest emotional need is to feel appreciated. A valuable boost to a child’s self-esteem can be attained when you appreciate the child and motivate them. At Petals Kids, we appreciate kids by awarding them with certificates and appreciation cards.

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